Solutions for production

You can easily cover the warehousing and supply processes in production with robots that are autonomous and will drive along a route of your choice between the warehouse and the production line. The robots do not require any interventions on the production floor, installation of conveyors, tracks or other equipment. This also makes the technology easily portable when expanding production.


Outsource routine activities to robots

Storage of products and materials in the pre- and post-production phase

Robots ensure organised storage and dynamic reallocation of resources according to changing production requirements.

Material transfer within the production process

With myFABER® robots, you increase the agility of your production processes and reduce the number of trips between warehouses and production lines.


Why robotize production intralogistics


Continuous operation


Increase storage density


Meet standards and regulations


Up to 1-3 years


We take care of robotization and automation
intralogistics from initial analysis to commissioning

  • Initial analysis of current data
  • Strategies and route calculations for optimal material flow
  • Design of suitable robots and technologies
  • ROI calculation
  • Dynamic simulation of operation with robots
  • Testing at customer's site
  • Request for subsidies
  • Integration to any WMS and ERP with support for separate processes without the need for integration
  • Conversion of your warehouse or production area
  • Turnkey delivery, installation and commissioning
  • Warranty and post-warranty service 24/7/365

Achieve your production goals faster and more efficiently



Snadné ovládání

Integrace pro plně automatizovaný proces s možností ovládání přes jednoduché uživatelské rozhraní.


Komplexní automatizace intralogistiky

– Přesun polotovarů v rámci procesu pomocí robotů
– Automatizace zásobování výrobní linky materiálem ze skladu
– Řízené skladování výrobků
– Integrace inteligentních bezpečnostních prvků
– Zvýšení výkonů pomocí Pick to Light


Rychlá integrace technologií

Snadná integrace technologií a robotů jednotlivých výrobců.

Case studies

Marlenka international s.r.o.

Our myFABER® solution played a key role at MARLENKA: we supplied the myFABER® Stacker F4 pallet robot and control the 2D crane shuttle with our myFABER® WES system. This implementation has significantly simplified and accelerated the logistics processes in the warehouse.

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Dextrum Fulfillment, a.s.

The warehouse uses myFABER® AGV robots to bring the racks to the warehousemen, increasing the efficiency of receiving and dispatching shipments. The project includes technologies such as myFABER® Cubing PRO for transmitting data on the size and weight of the assortment and Pick to Light picking technology.

View website

Are you ready
to transform your business?

Contact us and we will be happy to help you with everything!